Youths to advocate for a clean, healthy environment through art poster competition

Some of the Lions Club of Demerara Lioness members committed to changing lives and Guyana for the better

The Lions Club of Demerara Lioness launched its Environmental Poster Competition 2012 under the theme:  “A Cleaner Guyana makes a Greener Guyana” on October 29, 2012 at the National Centre for Education Research Development (NCERD) auditorium in Kingston.
For this fiscal year 2012- 2013, the health, environment and education committees of the club are seeking to support the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment’s “Pick it up Guyana” campaign.
The competition was launched at a Solid Waste Management Workshop organised by the Lions Club of Demerara Lioness in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency and schools from the East Coast of Demerara, East Bank of Demerara and within the capital city.
The Lions Club of Demerara Lioness is a voluntary service organization involved in many charitable activities, community work and projects with the primary goal of improving the lives of vulnerable persons.
It has now expanded its philanthropy work to advocate for a cleaner Guyana and is encouraging youths to get involved artistically.
The main objective of the competition is to highlight the positive effects of a cleaner Guyana. Students are expected to express their artistic and creative abilities to illustrate how a cleaner Guyana makes a healthy environment.
The competition is open to students 11-13 years old and 14-16 years old from public and private schools. The top three winners will receive prizes ranging from an IPad, laptop or desktop computer, a Blackberry Playbook, Kindle, and a trip to a nature resort.
In launching the competition, the chairperson of the health and environment committee of the club, Blossom Mambodh, stated “it is our fervent hope that, at the conclusion of today’s workshop as well as the poster competition launched today, there will be heightened awareness of proper waste management practices that will help to foster behavioural change throughout Guyana.”

All posters must be on tabloid white paper (11 X 17 inches). All artwork must be in colour. Wax or pencil crayons and/or paint may be used. All drawings must support the theme of the competition.
Each student may submit only ONE entry, and each entry must be the original work of only one student. A maximum of 10 entries will be accepted per secondary school.
All entries must clearly state the student’s name and age, address, phone number, form level, school name, title of work and brief description of design, on the back of the poster.
Entries will be judged on originality, expression of the theme and artistic merit. It is important that the entry selected meets all the requirements listed. Entries not adhering to the guidelines will not be judged.
The competition ends Jan 14, 2013, and all entries should be sent to Ermsville Schools, situated at Lot 7 Lamaha Street, Georgetown between Light and Cummings Streets.
Email questions to

Club’s brief history

Students and teachers at the poster competition launch at NCERD

During 1988, one of the founder members and past district president, Lioness Maureen Kennard, along with a vibrant group of women, decided that they were going to form themselves into a Lioness Club with the main aim of assisting the less fortunate in our society.
The Lions Club of Demerara Lioness was first chartered Dec. 2, 1988 as the Lioness Club of Demerara, with a very rich history of service to the needy. The Lioness Club of Demerara decided after 15 years that it was time to move one step forward, and at its statutory meeting of April 28, 2004, the members present unanimously agreed to become a Lions Club, since Lions International was offering the Lioness Bridge Programme, which meant their years of service would be brought forward as a Lion; on June 24, 2004 they became a full-pledged Lions Club and changed their name to The Lions Club of Demerara Lioness.
The club meets twice per month – the first at their board meeting held on the second Saturday of every month and at their second meeting. Their regular statutory meeting is held on the fourth Wednesday of every month.
It is the club’s main focus to carry on with its very high level of service work and commitment to assist the less fortunate of Guyana. As they continue to serve, they also look forward to the growth of their membership, and encourage anyone who is service-minded and wishes to become a Lion, to contact any Lion and be invited to attend the meetings, after which they will be informed of all the necessary requirements.
The Lions Clubs are expanding and, with more than 46,000 clubs around the world, each one is making a real difference in their respective communities, combining their dedication, preparation and teamwork to achieve excellence.

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