Selected youth from all parts of the country will discuss several topical issues when the 11th National Youth Parliament gets underway next month. Information Liaison for President Jagdeo, and Executive Director of Youth Parliament Guyana, Kwame McCoy, speaking during an interview with Guyana Times International, stated that this year’s sitting of the National Youth Parliament will see Guyanese youth being given the opportunity to express themselves while coming up with solutions to the social and economic problems facing today’s youth.
Kwame McCoy
McCoy said that all plans are on stream for the staging and successful execution of the annual event. He noted that the response has been satisfactory so far. He disclosed that the organising committee expects that more young people will opt at the last minute, as is usually the case, to become parliamentarians ahead of the commencement of the National Youth Parliament.
The executive director reiterated that the event will see youth fleshing out issues and exercising their democratic rights, as they will be afforded the opportunity to critically assess a wide range of issues which are engaging the attention of the authorities.
“We expect that issues pertaining to climate change, unemployment, crime and security, as well as leadership, will dominate the agenda of the Youth Parliament this year. We have not set aside any particular themes to be discussed, because as is usually the case, a wide range of issues will be up for discussion and debate”, a focused McCoy reported.
He said that the Youth Parliament has been constantly improving its scope and purpose and remains one of the most viable national youth organisations in the country. He argued that those who were part of the event from its inception, as well as other objective Guyanese, would attest to the progress that Youth Parliament has made.
“Youth Parliament has come a long way. We understand the importance of remaining relevant in changing times, and hence have been changing our scope and reach to move in time with the technological and developmental changes that are taking place”, McCoy reported.
He insisted that the Youth Parliament remains committed to giving youth a voice at the national level, while emphasising that it affords Guyanese youth an opportunity to express their views in a responsible and professional manner.
Already, the committee has received several expressions of interest from youth who want to be part of the decision- making strata of society, but is urging that more get on board.
This year, a resolution would be reached at the ending of Youth Parliament that would be submitted to the Office of the President.
“We anticipate that this resolution would be used and referenced when policies are devised at the national level, because we know that our parliamentarians have contributed significantly to the pool of knowledge emanating from public debates on pertinent issues”, McCoy suggested.
McCoy acknowledged that the Youth Parliament team remains viable and committed towards organising the event with the highest levels of standards and transparency at the helm.
When questioned about another seemingly controversial group that has been touting itself as the legitimate Youth Parliament group, McCoy said that his team and Youth Parliament Guyana will not mince words with groups that are living in a fake and dismal reality.
He said that, to his mind, that group was non-existent, and he did not seek to entertain any discussion on the body that alleged that it had affiliations with the World Youth Parliament body.Youth Parliament 2011 is slated for August 22, and will see more than 28 Youth Parliamentarians publicly joining in discussions about several issues.