Young people should exercise their right to vote for a party of their choice

… APNU Shadow Youth Minister

APNU MP Christopher Jones
APNU MP Christopher Jones

As the political atmosphere intensifies in the face of general and regional elections slated for May 11, the importance of young people casting their ballots cannot be sufficiently emphasised.

Political parties, civil society groups, religious bodies and even the elections regulatory body, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) have continued their call for youths to be engaged politically by exercising their democratic right come Election Day.

The person who most recently expressed these concerns was APNU Shadow Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Member of Parliament (MP) Christopher Jones.

In an exclusive interview with this publication, Jones, like those who have previously expressed similar concerns, underscored the need for eligible members of the youth population to cast their ballots on May 11.

He said: “I think the single most important thing in the life of a young person is the ability to cast a vote.”

Reflecting on what are considered taboo cultures, in which females are prohibited from exercising any form of democratic right through the election of a government, Jones said, “When one thinks of not only the young population, but woman in some parts of the world who have no right to vote, we should always place that at the back of our minds how important this single right is.”

Jones feels the most important effect of one vote is the ability to have the power to choose the type of future one would want for oneself. Attendant issues, he opined, include where you work, if you would be able to find a job, the type of job you would be engaged in based on your studies, how much you are paid, if you could afford a house lot, how secure would you and your family be, and the education you and your children will get, among other things. These, he added, were just some of the critical issues which depend on the younger generation voting.

Calls were also made last week by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Joseph Harmon to ensure that voters’ education was of top priority for GECOM, so as not to have a repeat of the last elections, when there was poor voter turnout.

However, GECOM last week expressed its intent to engage young people as it unveils a comprehensive civic and voter education campaign in the lead-up to General and Regional Elections.

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