Young man shot at Rose Hall …battling for life at GPHC

By Kristen Macklingam

A young man who lives in the county of Berbice is now fighting for his life at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after being shot by one of four assailants last night (Wednesday).

Saitanya Kishundyal of Rosehall, Corentyne, was returning home from attending a religious ceremony when the incident took place.

This newspaper understands that the incident occurred when the 21-year-old entered his yard sometime around 22:00hrs. He was just about to close the gate when a lone gunman confronted him.

His father, Harrybol, told this newspaper that there were three other perpetrators positioned inside of the yard and they were trying to get his son to open the front door of their house.

However, Harrybol said his son began to scuffle with the gunman and was shot to his abdomen during the struggle.

The armed man then fled the scene as his three accomplices escaped in the dark.

Kishundyal’s parents rushed out of their house when they heard the shot being fired but by the time they reached their son he was already bleeding profusely and the perpetrators were nowhere to be seen.

According to Harrybol, they own a furniture business and although the cameras installed have footage of the shooting they cannot assist in indentifying the assailants.

“One camera picked up the footage of it but it is not really clear. You cannot see a face or anything to help make out who shot him. It isn’t clear enough to help,” he lamented.

This newspaper was told that police ranks patrolling in the area at the time, arrived at the scene promptly and transported the injured young man to the Port Mourant Hospital for medical attention.

However, that hospital instantly referred the bleeding Kishundyal to the New Amsterdam Hospital and transported him via an ambulance there.

He was admitted briefly before being sent to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for further medical attention.

Investigations are on-going into the matter.

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