YEAR IN REVIEW: SEPTEMBER – 1000 nurses needed in Guyana – Minister Lawrence

The issue of migrating professionals, including those in the health field, is one Government is actively grappling with, and the plan is to increase student intake even as there is a need for approximately 1000 nurses in Guyana.
This was communicated by Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence on the side-lines of the launch of a Medex programme. According to Lawrence, the issue has reached the level of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
“Migration is not only a Guyana issue. We have signed on to CSME (Caribbean Single Market Economy), and that gives the right to any person, any Caribbean person, to be able to move from one country to the next to be able to ply their trade or earn in their profession. So it’s no different from Guyana,” she explained.
“We will continue to see migration, not just in midwifery, not just in nursing; but this has been a complaint right up to WHO about the developed countries, where the developed countries are coming up into our territory and employing persons,” she declared.
Guyana has been named one of two countries showing the strongest emigration movements, with 9.65 per 1000 persons emigrating in 2013. It was cited in a previous study that at least 40 per cent of the people in Guyana would migrate permanently if they get the opportunity.

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