YEAR IN REVIEW: NOVEMBER – Govt has to resign and call elections in 3 months – PM

Following the passage of the no-confidence motion filed by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Opposition against the APNU/AFC Coalition, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that Government will be upholding the law. This means, in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana, the Coalition administration will have to resign and call national elections within the next three months.
The Guyanese must understand that the democratic process is sometimes unpredictable. You may have results that are not planned for… but the outcome has to be accepted… It may be a surprise to some, it may be a shock to others, it may be welcomed by some and others may rejoice over the results but that is how democracy works and we are fully committed to the rule of law,” Nagamootoo posited.
Nevertheless, he noted that Government will remain in office until such time that a date for elections is set. In the meantime, he posited, the Coalition will have to deliberate on its options going forward.

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