YEAR IN REVIEW: MAY – IUF urges Govt to look into plight of ex-sugar workers

The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Association (IUF), an international trade union confederation, through its General Secretary Sue Longley, expressed strong concerns over the reducing of the sugar via a letter issued to President David Granger.
The IUF has strongly urged the President that his Government to “…actively look at the plight that have befallen the thousands of workers of the sugar industry who have lost their livelihood…” The trade union body said the situation “…if left unchecked, would not be in the interest of your beautiful country and hospitable people.”
In its letter to President Granger, the IUF, which speaks on behalf of 10 million workers through its 422 affiliated unions in 131 countries, said it is aware that the sugar industry “…has made substantial contributions to your country’s national life and development…Its role as a national institution cannot be diminished especially recognising the absence of alternatives at this time.”
Moreover, the IUF said it is aware that the coalition Government, despite being advised to, did not pursue any considered study to get a better grasp of the eventualities that will flow from its reform plans.
As such, the international body told the President in their missive that it was not the wisest of positions.

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