YEAR IN REVIEW: JUNE – Govt announces plans to build 2 more roundabouts

…Kitty round about open

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson, officially opened the Kitty roundabout, and plans were announced to construct two more of the structures, which will help to ease traffic congestion and wastage of time.
The Minister also announced that he expected a waterfront project to be completed by 2019, which will accompany the Kitty roundabout as a tourist destination in the country.
According to Patterson, the two planned structures are scheduled to be erected at the Timehri junction, East Bank Demerara and at the corner of Mandela Avenue and Sheriff Street, Georgetown, under the Sheriff Street road expansion project.
Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson; Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes; Minister within the Public Infrastructure Ministry, Annette Ferguson; Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Deputy Mayor Akeem Peters cut the ribbon to officially open the Kitty roundabout.
While the Minister did not elaborate on the details of the planned Mandela Avenue and Sheriff Street roundabout, he reported that works for the Timehri roundabout have begun by Gaico construction for the sum of $74 million.

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