YEAR IN REVIEW: AUGUST – Natural gas eruption – Capped well at Diamond erupts

A breach in the pipeline that was used to cap the gas pocket that exploded back in June in Diamond, East Bank Demerara, has caused a blockage which in turn saw several mini gas eruptions at the Diamond, East Bank Demerara, residence.
The eruptions occurred sometime around 01:00h on Wednesday at the same Sixth Avenue, Great Diamond home where contractors had hit a natural gas pocket causing an immediate explosion two months ago.
The exposed area was initially capped and the gas was being released into the atmosphere through a pipeline. However, that pipeline became compromised with a sand blockage; and as a result of this blockage, the gas was unable to escape and the built up pressure resulted in the gas being released through other compromised openings. There were at least two mini-gas eruptions while various spots in the yard could be seen bubbling.

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