YEAR IN REVIEW: APRIL -Jailed: Mother to serve 98 years for killing children

Twenty-five-year-old Hofoswana Awena Rutherford, who was found guilty of killing her two children by poisoning them with carbon tablets, was sentenced by Justice Navindra Singh to 98 years’ imprisonment on two counts of manslaughter.
On the first count, killing of four-year-old Hodascia Codogan, Rutherford was sentenced to 45 years’ jail; while on the second count, killing of one-year-old Jabari Codogan, she was ordered to serve 53 years’ jail time.
The jury believed the State’s evidence that the mother had given each of her children half of a tablet of aluminium phosphide on March 27, 2014 at Supply Branch Road, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara.

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