WWF should bring international pressure on the opposition

Dear Editor,
The joint opposition parties have lost themselves completely. They are either oblivious of or simply do not care about the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). The LCDS is of vast importance, seeking to transform Guyana’s economy along a low carbon trajectory. Maybe because this LCDS is the brainchild of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, the opposition members, being so fiercely antagonistic where the former leader is concerned, just have to be vindictive. It is common knowledge that the LCDS is now a blueprint in the global search for a solution to tackle the climate change phenomenon.
So this begs the question, “Why cut the budget and smother this programme?” I am very moved now by the fact that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Guianas has expressed a deep concern in this matter. We all know that with this cut, the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) will be severely affected, unless some major improvisations and innovations take place.
As for the WWF, this is an international non-governmental organisation working on issues regarding matters such as conservation, research and restoration of the environment.
It remains the largest independent conservation organisation with over five million supporters worldwide, working in more than 100 countries, and supporting around 1300 conservation and environmental projects.
The WWF can get a pressure group going, even if only the assembling of signatories, to confront the stark reality that is now facing Guyana. The opposition must not be allowed to wreck anything that has this kind of massive environmental effect.
Guyana has shown leadership within the global community in seeking solutions to the issue of climate change and biodiversity conservation through the innovative development of the LCDS. Norway realised this a long time ago. Guyana’s LCDS is one with transformational capacity and the WWF is disappointed with the recent actions in Parliament, and is urging that sincere and urgent dialogue be pursued among key decision makers in an attempt to bring a speedy resolution to the current impasse.
I am happy that the Norwegian government is adding its voice against the opposition. The fact that Guyana has already earned US$ 115 million from the Norwegian government with the setting up of the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund to implement projects under the LCDS, is more than reason enough to restore the budget.
The almost immediate and direct impact with this cut is worth going through: the Amerindian Land Titling project and a climate adaptation project and the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project. This says to me that the opposition parties are quickly becoming the bane of Guyana.
They should be ashamed to face Guyana’s indigenous lot, and when it comes to beating the longterm power problems of Guyana, they should really remain silent.
I think that it is time now that an awareness campaign be launched, regarding the debilitating works of the two opposing parties.
Yours truly,
Dale Argyle

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