WPO must be saluted for its work on women’s empowerment

Dear Editor,
The Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) will be convening its 16th Triennial Congress under the theme “Strengthening the WPO to Further Advance the Development of Guyanese Women” on November 24 and 25. This congress will bring together women from all the regions of Guyana, who will spend two days of interaction to assess and evaluate the journey that was undertaken since the last congress and develop a roadmap for the next three years.
It should be noted that this congress is being held six months before the organisation begins its year-long celebration on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. This is quite a milestone and the members of this organisation must be proud of its rich history and accomplishments. It is my opinion that this organisation must be commended for the tremendous work it has done in relation to advancing women’s development.
It could be recalled that the WPO was formed at a very important juncture of Guyana’s history when the first political party, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was established. The PPP, recognising the role women had to play in the country’s political and economic development, undertook the task of setting up the WPO as the women’s arm of the party.
The formation of the WPO was a logical outcome of the struggle that was initiated by its parent party – the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) – and from the days of those founding members, who worked tirelessly for the cause of women, this dynamic women’s movement continued to produce a host of outstanding leaders of the PPP government.
Throughout its existence, the WPO has championed a wide range of issues for the improvement of the status and conditions of Guyanese women. When the organisation was formed, it immediately went on a relentless and persistent campaign to educate women to raise their political consciousness and empower them to develop themselves. Further, in the early years of the independence and anti-colonial struggle, the WPO, in collaboration with its parent party, the PPP and its youth arm the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), helped to advance that struggle by galvanising and mobilising the women folk across the length and breadth of Guyana to work to achieve various goals. For example, during the post independence struggle which was largely characterised by the fight for free and fair elections and a return to democracy, the WPO continued its militancy and played a major role in ensuring Guyana’s return to democracy.
I wish the WPO a very successful congress and trust that the organisation will continue to provide adequate representation for women, irrespective of race, religion, political affiliation or social status.
Yours truly,
R Rajpaul

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