Women have the power to make a difference – Sandra Ganger

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on November 15 reached out to women at a forum which highlighted the challenges women face and how the party plans to address these if it wins the upcoming elections.

A section of the audience at the APNU women forum on November 15 at the Georgetown Club

Held at the Georgetown Club under the theme, “Sisters: amidst the challenges let your hand make the difference”, women were encouraged to stand up and make a difference in this election season. They were also urged to take nothing for granted as the presenters, who were all women, encouraged their colleagues to make a difference at the polls since they make up some 50 per cent of the official list of electors.

“We can’t wait till the issues come to our door we have to act,” Lurlene Nestor, a member of the People’s National Congress Reform’s women arm, told the gathering.

Sandra Granger, wife of APNU’s presidential candidate David Granger, highlighted some of challenges women face. While acknowledging that Guyana is working to empower women and bring about gender equality, she said, it is being impeded by the social and economic decline that the country has endured. She cited rising crime and violence and the spread of HIV/ AIDs and the impact of natural disaster as evidence of this decline.

“What we have to do as women is, having seen these facts, having looked the data, to decide what is it we want from here on in and this is our chance at this point in history to decide whether we want continuity of what we have, or whether we want change to get empowered as women, as citizens to move on to the good life,” Mrs Granger said.

Women’s rights activist Karen DeSouza said at the forum that it is time that women are recognised for the work that they do.

DeSouza said she believed the APNU has created the space to demonstrate the skills of women.

“This partnership for national unity… only one new and different thing I’m hearing is that the partnership says one party can’t mek it and that the objective is that we have to vote in such a way that we give time and opportunity to turn the country around for all Guyanese,” said DeSouza.

Meanwhile, APNU supporter and chairperson of the evening’s proceedings, Genevieve Allen, said APNU has promised the provision of job opportunities for women, skills training for women empowerment and Guyana will become safe again so that investors will once again invest in the country and job opportunities will become available to all.

With the promise of a better life for all Guyanese, the speakers believe that it is the APNU that has a formula that is best for tackling the issues affecting Guyana and moreso the women in the country.

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