Women busted at CJIA with cocaine

An America woman was, on Wednesday, intercepted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), Timehri with two kilos of cocaine, which was discovered in 10 pairs of shoes. The discovery was made around 11:30hrs.

The woman of Brooklyn New York was slated to board a Caribbean Airlines Flight, BW 524 to John F Kennedy Airport when the illegal substance was unearthed in her suitcase and travelling bag.

Guyana Times understands that during the scanning process, a “blackish” object was detected in the bags by a Custom Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) staff who summoned his superior who in turn summoned the woman.

During the search, seven pairs of shoes were discovered in her suitcase, while another three pairs were found in her travelling bag.

This prompted the officials to puncture one of the soles where a white powder, suspected to be cocaine was found. It was tested and weighed in her presence and proved to be cocaine.

The woman told CANU ranks that two men, unknown to her, had given her the shoes to take to someone. This is the first time the woman had visited Guyana. She was immediately taken into custody, and charges will be instituted against her today. According to information received, the woman entered Guyana on September 27 on vacation.

Meanwhile, Guyana Times International understands that another North American citizen was also intercepted at the CJIA by ranks of the Police Narcotics Unit.

The quantity of cocaine the woman had in her possession for the purposes of trafficking is unknown.

This is the second bust in five days. On Friday last, Canadian citizen, Errol George, Laird, 31, of 100 Castle Ridgeway, Alberta, Canada, was intercepted at the CJIA Timehri with 1.548kg of cocaine.

The Canadian was bounded for Canada on Caribbean Airline Flight BW 524 which was scheduled to in-transit at the Piarco International Airport before heading to Canada. The bust occurred at 05:30hrs.

The cocaine was detected in false bottoms of the man’s suitcase as it was being scanned. Laird made his first court appearance before acting Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine- Beharry, on Monday, answering to a trafficking of narcotics charge. He was remanded to prison by the magistrate and will make another court appearance on October 14.

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