Woman lands in court for allegedly posting obscene video to porn site

Anessa Williams of Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown, was taken before Principal Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Monday after she was charged for exposing obscene content.
The 29-year-old denied the charge, which stated that between July 1 and July 31, 2019, at Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown, she knowingly or without lawful justification, exposed for public viewing, an obscene matter, that is a video intending to corrupt public morals.
Defence Attorney George Thomas in a bail application asked that the court release Williams on bail since it was not her who posted the video to the website and it has brought much embarrassment her way.
Attorney Thomas further stressed that his client’s now ex-husband is the offender since she had recently filed for a divorce.
Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus released the woman on G$30,000 bail and the case will continue on November 25, 2019.

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