Woman gets G$100,000 bail for posting nude photos of ex on Facebook

Posting nude photographs of her former lover on Facebook has landed a North Ruimveldt, Georgetown woman in hot water. Nikita Cooper appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman on Wednesday charged for corrupting the public’s view.

Nikita Cooper

The 31-year-old is accused of posting the photographs between June 1 and July 18, 2017. The prosecution is contending that Cooper and her ex-boyfriend had been in a five-year long relationship which ended. According the prosecution, as a result of the breakup, the accused threatened to leak the images to the public and followed through with her threat.
She reportedly leaked the images to the man’s family and friend via Facebook. Reports indicate that the images all appeared to be taken unknowingly to the Virtual Complainant (VC). In one of the photographs, the VC was even wearing female underwear on his head while he slept.
According to the prosecution, the VC in a statement revealed that he is now in a traumatised state and was even forced to drop out of classes that he was taking as a result of embarrassment.
Cooper was granted G$100,000 bail. She is expected to return to court on September 5.

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