Will there be a power broker?

Dear Editor,

The election results are known and although the incumbent PPP/C has won the most votes, there might very well be an interesting situation, whereby it may not be able to form a majority government. If such a situation unfolds, then there could be room for a broker, and it seems as if the Alliance For Change (AFC) would be the party that would be up for courtship.

At the moment, speculation is rife as to how the broker would utilise its position as a deciding factor.

This would be very interesting; as such, a situation would put the broker’s sense of patriotism and nation building to the test. At the same time, the incumbents might be placed in a compromising position, especially in light of the fact that it has done tremendously well over the last five years, and would like to continue the development process it has embarked upon in the interest of all the people of this country.

I believe that our leaders should not use the next couple of days to lick wounds. On the contrary, they should use the time to work out the best possible solution that would continue to bring benefit to the people. I want to urge our leaders to act responsibly and put country and people first in whatever activities that may unfold in the next couple of days.

Yours sincerely,


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