Why should the inquiry be limited to 6 years of killings?

Dear Editor,
I refer to a story written by an excellent Guyanese journalist on his website on January 28, 2018, captioned “Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into 1000-odd extrajudicial killings to be named….” But when one digs into the story, it appears that the Granger regime is only inquiring into six years?
Guyana’s social cohesion bond was not destroyed in six years, it was deliberately interfered with by both sides since 1963 and maybe a year or two before that, if the history books inform me correctly (Read a book by Stephen Rabe).
There were acts of violence in the 1973 elections to which an allegation was made against Mr Granger himself that demands an inquiry too. Therefore, it is nothing but political opportunistic and premature to restrict the CoI to six years; let us do the full 60 years from the 1960s to now – similar to the Mandela model.
So, for the record, I welcome a CoI into the 60 years of troubles that Guyana and its people experienced, but be a man and embrace the truth and do it competently and properly. Bring it on Mr Granger!

Sasenarine Singh

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