Why all the big fuss over Chris Brown performing in Guyana

Dear Editor,
I write this letter to urge all young people, young music lovers and fans of R&B artiste Chris Brown to condemn this nasty, dishonest and deceptive campaign being waged by a few individuals and organisations in Guyana. Playing out before our eyes, is what is in my view an attempt to use Brown’s well publicised indiscretion against his former partner to deny the promoters much needed government support, which is necessary if top tier entertainers of this nature are to ever perform in Guyana.
It is laughable that the usual suspects in this instance are seeking to use an incident that Brown has paid for so dearly via the robust U. S. justice system, as well as the numerous withdrawals of sponsorship endorsements, etc to achieve their objective, which reeks of politicking.
It isn’t enough for these gripers that Brown had to undergo rehabilitative counselling as well as more than 1000 hours of community service in the land where the actual act took place that they now seek to punish him in Guyana. Even as their media offensive was being hatched and executed, British tabloid, “The Sun,” reported in its October 20, 2012 edition that the victim’s father welcomed news that the couple are back together.
He was in fact quoted as saying, “I hope one day she will get married. Everyone adores Chris. He is a good person and always gave me great respect.” See http:// www. thesun.co. uk/ sol/ homepage/ showbiz/ 4597366/ rihanna- dadwants-her-to-marry-chrisbrown.html# ixzz29sq8jaex).
Yours truly,
Jason Abdulla

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