
Ramjattan told his pals over at the Muckraker that a “whistle-blower” gave him some “hot information”. Our minds immediately cast back to the pope’s butler who spilled the beans of what had been going on behind the walls of the Vatican. Secret meetings, code names, ‘drops’, like we heard about in spy movies, all rose to the fore. Those revelations led to the resignation of the pope and we still haven’t heard the last of the effects of that ‘whistle-blower’.
Then, of course, there’s the most famous ‘whistle-blower’ of all times – Deep Throat. Rather fortuitously, he chose a moniker no one of his time could forget – the name of the most famous porno movie of all time, which described, to a ‘T’, the unique talent of its star. Deep Throat, of course, brought on the resignation of Richard Nixon, president of the USA.
So we read with bated breath the ‘revelation’ of Ramjattan’s ‘whistle-blower’ – who we dubbed ‘Dry Throat’, knowing of the AFC’s head honcho’s fondness for ‘wetting his whistle’. We could see him and Dry Throat knocking down a large at the corner rum shop as the latter spilled his guts.  Ramjattan’s said his informer told him that Brassington, his bête noir from NICIL, and Burrowes, a bureaucrat, had an account over at GBTI with Gy $4.9 billion (you read that right….billions!) with themselves as signatories.
Now when we heard this our eyes bulged a bit, we must confess. Even with our depreciated dollar, we’re talking real money here. We could see that some heads would be rolling, if the info were true. But that was the point, wasn’t it? Was the info true? The very next day, the answer came: it was all a lie…a fabrication…a tale. The Muckraker threw Ramjattan to the dogs and accused him, via the bank, of not checking the story his ‘whistle-blower’ fed him.
But we know that that’s pure horse sh*t, don’t we? It’s the duty of the newspaper to investigate allegations of this type before printing them. The Muckraker never even called the bank. What we think Brassington and Burrowes ought to do is to sue the pants off the Muckraker and Ramjattan for libel. There’s no question that their reputations were damaged by a patent untruth that was published.
But the real question is: was there ever a whistle-blower? Or did the Muckraker and Ramjattan concoct the whole tissue of lies over a large? Or did Ramjattan imagine the whole thing after imbibing a large?
…in the dark
We must confess we’re getting royally tired over this interminable debate over the budget…or more specifically whether the opposition can make cuts. This newspaper reported that the question is ‘to cut or not to cut’ and that the Speaker would have answered it yesterday (Tuesday). Possibly, even as we’re writing this.
But while we might have posed the question correctly, in an echo of the Prince of Denmark, the crux of the matter is that it is not for the Speaker to give the answer. The answer has already been given by the courts in the eminent person of the chief justice. And the answer is a resounding NO!!! Can’t get any clearer than that, can we? It appears that because the Speaker is behind a big desk and speaks from a fancy chair, he believes he’s been elevated to the bar.
He must disabuse himself of this notion immediately, or he’ll be embarrassed soon. His misapprehension of his job title was manifest on Monday when he condescendingly told the three (lawyer) MPs they were deserving of “silk”!

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