The accused in the murder of a D’Urban Street, Georgetown, waitress and the attempted murder of a former Magistrate, on Wednesday appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and was remanded to prison.
The prosecution is contenting that on August 23, 2014, Shelton George, now crippled, of Better Hope South, East Coast Demerara, allegedly murdered Debra Blackman, a waitress.

Shelton George

Reports are surveillance video revealed that on the day in question, the accused in company of two others arrived on motorcycles at Delicious Chinese Restaurant on D’Urban Street, Georgetown. It is alleged that after making a purchase and engaging in a brief conversation with Blackman, George whipped out a gun, pushed his hand through the cashier’s cage and shot the 50-year-old woman. The Police issued a wanted bulletin for George.
Just over a week ago, the crippled man was arrested at his mother’s residence in Better Hope after Police received information that he had returned to Guyana and was living there. Reports are George became wheelchair bound after being shot a few years ago in Suriname. He reportedly suffered spinal injury and lost a kidney.
Meanwhile, on the second charge, the prosecution is contending that on April 25, 2015, at Eccles, East Bank Demerara, George discharged a loaded firearm at Mohammed FazilAzeez, a former Magistrate, with intent to murder him.
The Prosecutor informed the court that the Virtual Complainant, who was shot during a robbery at his residence, has since been bedridden as a result of his injuries.
In court on Wednesday, the crippled suspect was represented by Attorney Melville Duke, who requested a speedy trial and made a bail application for his client who is confined to a wheelchair. He stated that George suffered a spinal injury and requires around the clock care due to his confinement.
With respect to the second charge, Duke argued that there are no eyewitnesses or evidence which places his client at the robbery scene except for a video tape which is two years old and of poor quality.
Bail was denied by the Magistrate. The court was also informed that George has pending matters at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court.
The case will continue on February 16.