What occurred in parliament didn’t come as a surprise

Dear Editor,

One had to be naïve if he were expecting anything different from what occurred at Thursday’s sitting of the National Assembly. In the end, President Donald Ramotar slammed the opposition’s move to elect two of their representatives as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly. He opined that the decision was against parliamentary conventions, and so he has made a vow to monitor closely the situation in the House.

For those who are not aware of the happenings, the combined opposition, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC), used their one seat majority, to elect attorneys Raphael Trotman and Debra Backer as Speaker and Deputy Speaker respectively. Senior Counsel, Ralph Ramkarran, who was the government’s nominee, was overlooked.

Now I do agree with President Ramotar that the whole ‘deal’ was rotten.

It was a collusion. The combined opposition forces will always be this way.

Now with David Granger as the official head and mouth piece, the President will do well to prepare for more acts like this one. The omens were ‘a plenty.’ First David Granger ‘dissed’ Moses Nagamootoo.

He treated Nagamootoo as a ‘spy.’ But that kind of attitude towards the erstwhile PPP/ C high profile member is most deserved. Even the AFC; Nagamootoo’s new alliance could not stick up for him. Granger tarnished Nagamootoo and intimidated Khemraj Ramjattan.

I think President Ramotar better ‘smarten up.’ David Granger will not change. Apart from his days of ensuring rigged elections for his ‘God’, the late LFS Burnham, he challenged the 2011 Elections results. Yet he has no evidence of anything untoward.

Later, he requested ‘already verified’ Statements of Polls (SoP) from GECOM. He then more than intimated that there were inconsistencies among them. What comes over is the undeniable fact that he is bent on carping and seems set on being mischievous.

I am wondering, say by mid-term 2011- 2015, if snap elections are called, what will be their, the opposition’s response.

Yours truly,

Rajcoomar Persaud

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