What is real development?

Dear Editor,

Some unprecedented things are beginning to unfold in Guyana. I mean, who would have ever imagined an electrified, and well-lit hinterland. It is really here.

First, it is easy to say ‘bring the Amerindians out.’ Relocation is a socially and psychologically disruptive move. Many Guyanese have admitted that if they could have all the amenities to make life a success, they will stay right where they are.

In fact, dislocation is never easy to deal with. I personally know (his being my relative), of an Agricultural specialist, an erstwhile UG Lecturer, with a PHD, who tried it.

He actually was not even allowed to teach in a Canadian primary school. Imagine! He had to go through all kinds of equivalency tests, and yet when it was all ‘said and done,’ he had to re-sit a number of courses, which were really an embarrassment to his ego.

So on learning that some 184 hinterland communities of Guyana, are now on the verge of receiving Solar Home Systems, I was most elated. This means a lot of positives along the lines of maintaining culture, traditions and lifestyles. Nothing is lost, while a lot is gained.


Yours truly,

Sanjay Persaud

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