‘What I have to offer is what matters’ – Slowe

Commission Chairman, Retired Assistant Police Commissioner, Paul Slowe takes the oath in the presence of President David Granger.

Newly-appointed Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC) Paul Slowe has admitted that he does have baggage but noted that what’s in the package is what matters.
Following a meeting with President David Granger last month, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had said that Slowe will bring two sets of baggage with him which could harm his judgments, that is, a political approach to the job and old scores to settle since he has a lot of interpersonal problems with many members of the Police Force.
However, when asked about this shortly after he was sworn-in on Thursday, the new PSC Chairman told reporters that what he has to offer is what matters.
Apart from Slowe, Vester Adams, Clinton Conway, Alexis Jarvis and Chairman of the Public Service Commission Michael Somersall were also sworn-in as members of the new Police Service Commission by the Head of State.
Following the investiture ceremony, Slowe told reporters that the first order of business will be to scrutinize and fast-track the promotion and discipline process within the Police Force.
Meanwhile, President Granger in brief remarks said that the PSC has the power to hire and discipline the Force’s hierarchy, which is essential not only for efficiency of the police but also for the promotion of national security.
This new Police Service Commission will last for a period of 3 years.

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