West Bank man killed in car crash

Adam De Jesus

A drinking spree at Joe Vieira Park during the Slingerz Family’s “Easter Jam” proved deadly for the De Jesus family, as one of the sons were killed in a car accident on Tuesday around 00: 30h.

Dead is Adam De Jesus, 26, of 38 Goed Fortuin Public Road, West Bank Demerara. He was an employee attached to the El Dorado Mining Company.

According to information received, Adam was heading to Vreed-en-Hoop to drop off a friend when the accident occurred.

De Jesus was reportedly driving his Honda motor car at a fast pace when he lost control while negotiating a turn in the vicinity of the Versailles Power Company, West Bank Demerara. He then slammed into a utility pole, topple a few times, and broke through a fence before coming to a halt in the compound of the power company.

The young man was pinned in the smashed vehicle but was quickly pulled from the wreckage by passersby and rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The other occupant of the car received a few scratches and minor injuries. His body was taken to the Ezekiel Funeral home for a post-mortem examination.

Andy De Jesus, brother of the dead man, related that he received a message about the accident a few minutes after it occurred and immediately rushed to the scene; upon his arrival there, he was told that his brother had been taken to the hospital. The grieving brother stated that by the time he arrived at the hospital, his brother had already succumbed to his injuries. He said he was told that his brother may have suffered a broken neck and other injuries.

He explained that his brother would normally go out with his friends, but he was always a careful driver. The young man’s mother was still in a state of shock and fainted intermittently. His father was speechless. Friends of the former St Stanislaus College student expressed their shock upon receiving the news of the young man’s demise.

One classmate said it is difficult to react to the devastating news. He described his classmate as a very quiet and easygoing person who loved to make jokes. Another friend expressed his condolences to the bereaved family and encouraged them to believe in the Lord since he has other plans for Adam.

“He will surely be missed,” the friends noted. De Jesus is survived by his parents who are the owners of Chester’s Fried Chicken on the West Coast; his four other siblings and many relatives.

In a release on Tuesday, police said there has been a 15 per cent reduction in road fatalities at the end of March this year in comparison to the same period last year, with 22 fatalities this year and 26 last year. Pedal cyclists were the main road users affected, with seven such persons losing their lives on the roads by March. Six drivers and five pedestrians have also lost their lives up to March this year.

Speeding is once more a major contributing factor to fatal accidents, causing 14 of the 21 fatal accidents at the end of March.

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