Wear Red and White – Representing our flag

Satiricus was appalled at the ignorance of his fellow Guyanese. He accepted he wasn’t usually the brightest bulb in the room by any means. But even HE knew what the Chief Talker in the National Talk Shop was talking about when he said “Green and yellow are the colours of the National Flag” – our dear, old Golden Arrowhead. And that the Opposition mustn’t “lampoon” our beloved flag.

Now Satiricus knew lampooning was bad. You can’t go around mocking people using biting sarcasm and wit. Like those folks who keep saying our Prime Moocher Nagga Man lacks “testicular perspicacity”. That’s terrible!! Or that Rum Jhaat lacks “ocular perspicacity”… that’s even more lowdown.

Satiricus had always thought the Opposition lady, The Sharer, was on the ball. But to his surprise, she was the one who objected when the Chief Talker pulled up her MP.

The MP was objecting to the APANU and KFC government painting everything that didn’t move – including the First Dog who’d gotten a tad overweight – but especially the State Buildings with the colours Green and Yellow. Which, he pointed out, were the colours of APANU and KFC. “NOT SO!!” thundered the Chief Talker, “They’re the colours of the Golden Arrowhead!” And to criticise the use of green and yellow was to lampoon our nationhood – not to mention our manhood and womanhood.

The Sharer then became very impudent, in the opinion of Satiricus. She claimed the colour in the Golden Arrowhead was actually “gold” and not “yellow” – hence the name “Golden” Arrowhead and NOT “Yellow” Arrowhead. And to have a “yellow” streak in our flag would mean we’re a nation of cowards. As even if that were true, we can’t very well be advertising it.

The Chief Talker was not moved and implied The Sharer was just quibbling. “Yellow or gold,” he pointed out, “same difference.” The Sharer then quibbled that there were OTHER colours in the Golden Arrowhead. And this was the source of Satiricus’ disappointment. The Sharer didn’t know about “synecdoche”?? When you use a part of a thing to represent the whole? Like “wheels” to refer to cars”.

Satiricus hoped The Sharer learnt a lesson and today she’d be patriotic and wear “red and white” – another synecdoche for our flag.

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