We will fight relentlessly against those who want to divide our country

– Ramotar tells thousands at massive Lusignan rally

By Michael Younge

Presidential candidate of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Donald Ramotar told a massive gathering of supporters on Sunday that he will work “tirelessly” towards forging national unity in Guyana once his party is re-elected to office.


PPP leaders, including President Bharrat Jagdeo, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and presidential candidate Donald Ramotar being entertained by chutney singer Fiona at the Lusignan rally on Sunday

He was addressing a mammoth crowd of an estimated 30,000 persons at the Lusignan Tarmac. Ramotar said that he will not only fight to defend the progress and gains made with respect to unity but will condemn all attempts by politicians to forge racial disunity among Guyanese during this critical election period. “I will fight for unity in Guyana. We will fight relentlessly against those who want to divide our people…. we can ill afford to jeopardise our progress and growth at this time because politicians want to serve their own personal interest and score cheap political points,” Ramotar declared.

He said growth and development were linked to unity at all levels of the society and promised that all the policies that would be undertaken by a Ramotar government would seek to promote equity. “We have to pursue a policy of national unity in our country, comrades, it’s the only way…. we will fight against anyone who is seeking to divide our people with race, religion or ethnicity. We will fight them tooth and nail,” Ramotar said.

He told the gathering that most of the successes achieved by the PPP/C while in office were only possible because of the fact that they were non-discriminatory in nature and pro-development.

He lauded the positive developments and changes that have taken place since 1992, noting that the PPP/C has improved the overall lives of all Guyanese regardless of their social, religious, political or economic standing.

He alluded to the gains made in the agriculture, education, health and housing sectors under the PPP/C government, pointing out to the thousands that these changes did not happen overnight, but were the products of “continued hard work” and “sacrifice” which he stressed was rewarded with “development”.

Acknowledging that there will be unfair criticism of government’s track record, Ramotar said that unlike the PNCR regime, his party has utilised its “political power” for “good and meeting the needs of the people”.

He said his government was committed to democracy and would do everything in its power to safeguard the fundamental rights of all Guyanese to lead productive lives. He was critical of the opposition party’s track record in office telling the thousands that when it took office in 1964, it inherited one of the most dynamic economies in the region but by 1992, Guyana “turned into one of the poorest countries in the hemisphere”. He spoke of the well-known period of rigged elections, undemocratic rule, alleged lawlessness and divisive politics which were practised by the PNC regime, urging the electorate “never to forget” how the party stymied development through selfish ideologies which led to their unpopularity.

“Comrades, the achievements that we made would not have been made if the propaganda that comes from the opposition had any truth. If there was any truth in the accusation that we discriminate, there is only one kind of discrimination that we do… we discriminate in the interest of the poor, the vulnerable and vast majority of the people of our country”, Ramotar said to loud applause.

Ramotar has also said the government remains committed towards fulfilling the ICT investments made under the One Laptop per Family project. He also declared at the rally that his government will work to improve every sector of the country, including labour and human rights.


Meanwhile, former president of Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) and senior PNCR member, Gillian Burton officially endorsed Ramotar’s candidacy for president, while flaying critics of her support for the ruling PPP/C party.

Amidst loud cheers, Burton told supporters that she was not induced or offered any rewards for deciding to join the PPP/C campaign trail and platform.

“There is no soup drinking as many might say … no gifts offered. It became my private, my personal decision to endorse the PPP/C. There was no tokenism in it. …no gifts offered. There were no promises made”, she explained.

Burton made it clear that she did not expect any rewards for deciding to exercise publicly her political and democratic will. “For those who over the past few weeks that seem to have a problem with my presence at the PPP rallies…. I hereby now nationally declare that I, Gillian Burton, endorses the campaign for the PPP’s re-election to government with Donald Ramotar as presidential candidate… case close and end of matter,” Burton said confidently.

Burton stated that all workers must have the right to decide whom they want to vote for. She also responded to comments made by several persons in the opposition benches and GTUC about her decision to “jump ship”, explaining that the PPP/C through several of its members have supported her fight and struggle for workers’ rights even when she was met with opposition from some of her male colleagues in the sector.

“Donald encouraged me to never give up…. Gail Texiera would usually tell me to remain focused and be strong, ‘you are a woman’”, Burton said, as she was dealing with the constant challenges while leading the GTUC.

She also dismissed Granger, Norris Witter and Jinnah Rahaman as opportunists and persons who were seeking to chastise her for exercising her democratic right to choose her own political party, declaring that on November 28, they can be assured that she was putting her X next to the cup.

Bishop Juan Edghill also publicly endorsed the PPP, stating that it is the only party that is committed towards forging unity and serious engagements with the religious community of Guyana.

Edghill said that the party and its presidential candidate can be trusted by all Guyanese and will work hard to take development beyond the expectations of many. He made an appeal to all Christians and persons who wanted to support the party but were afraid of the victimisation and threats that would usually be made to “stop hiding before their curtains and in closets” and do the same.


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