‘We must lead by example’

…says Traffic Chief as campaign commences to strip tint from Cops’ vehicles

The Guyana Police Force says it intends to make officers who are breaking the law an example, by removing the tint from their personal vehicles and those belonging to the Police Force.

The traffic department has begun a drive, removing the tint from vehicles belonging to Police Officers and those used in patrol. Traffic Chief Dion Moore said the Police must set an example to the public.
“If we are to address the issue of the general public, then we must first look at ourselves and that is exactly what we are doing. The public must not see us doing the same wrong things that we are punishing them for.”
Moore said for this purpose, on the first occasion ranks are being warned, however, if they continue in the same practice, disciplinary actions will be taken.
So far, the department was able to remove 62 tints from vehicles belonging to Police ranks, while 12 were removed from vehicles being used for traffic patrols, the Traffic Chief said.
Just recently, Assistant Police Commissioner David Ramnarine had warned the Force’s officers that unless they were granted a special exemption for tint on their private vehicles, they would equally be subjected to what the law stipulates.
“There is a law for tint. The law is not for some. The only law I know is when the chief licensing authority grants an exemption, and in a few other cases,” he said. “Some three weeks ago, a message was circulated for tint to be removed from Police patrol vehicles, but it was disregarded by some. And therefore, to (ensure) the compliance that we want, a combined course of action was taken,” Ramnarine had said. Last year, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan said Government would be moving to review the existing policy regarding tint on motor vehicles, as one of the components of the national crime fighting strategy. It was announced that tint meters would be used to determine the density of the tint on vehicle windows.
As it currently stands, only certain vehicles are permitted to have tints without the expressed permission of the Public Security Minister. These include diplomatic vehicles and those belonging to senior Government and high-ranking military officials.

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