…AFC says in defending poor ministerial performance in coalition Govt
After facing heavy criticism for its submissive position towards the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), the Alliance For Change (AFC) said that it remained a strong member of the coalition Government and would continue to work to ensure that its views were taken on board.
Trotman also defended the poor performance of AFC Ministers within the coalition Government, asserting that while the party was “not perfect”, it has utilised its 12 seats in Parliament to make a significant impact and continues to do so on a daily basis. “I just mentioned an array of Ministries that the AFC has been blessed with having oversight of…Public Telecommunications – I am in awe at what the Minister (Cathy Hughes) has done. I’m in awe of the work (Agriculture Minister Noel) Holder has done against the odds at GuySuCo (Guyana Sugar Corporation) and with rice…Ministry of Business is doing things, (Public Infrastructure) Minister (David) Patterson I mean nobody could say that he has not performed,” he told the media.