We have a unique and promising tourist destination

Dear Editor,

A couple of years ago, a significant amount of people had never heard about Guyana and what it has to offer. However, due to the country implementing the Low Carbon Development Strategy, Guyana is being talked about quite a lot on the international stage.

It is no secret that our tourism industry has seen progress in many areas, and the future seems very bright for that industry. However, there is quite a lot more work to be done in order for us to be competitive on a global level. I believe Guyana has the ability to become a leading tourist destination in the world. It is now up to us, including all tourist operators, service providers and others involved in this kind of business, to reach out and take advantage of the opportunities.

Our tourism offing is one that is unique to the rest of the Caribbean. To the Caribbean countries, tourism means tropical sun, sandy beaches, blue water, etc, but Guyana has vast amounts of rich Amazon rainforests, enough fauna for bird watching and fish catching, tall mountains and splendid waterfalls, among other attractions.

This type of tourism is rare and is highly treasured, and the steady increase in the number of tourist arrivals is testimony to this fact.

Our country has seen massive development in various sectors in recent years, and the tourism sector has played a very important role in this development.

It is very important that every citizen understands this and play a part in helping the tourism industry to continue to develop. Citizens can start by treating the environment more responsibly, and stop polluting the surroundings with garbage; which affects animals, plants and humans.

Guyana is moving in the right direction, and we should all be proud of the distance we have travelled and collectively try our best to continue towards making our country a better place for all.

Yours sincerely,

Vishal Mohabeer

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