We are blessed to have witnessed the life and times of Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan

Dear Editor,

Every so often, but certainly not regularly, the world is blessed with the unique opportunity of witnessing the life and times of leaders, of champions, of heroes, of greatness. In Ancient Greece, the Macedonians had Alexander the Great. Russians had Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Indians had Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi. Americans had George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And in Guyana, Guyanese were blessed with the occasion to be led by their founding-father, Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan. To say that these individuals and the several similarly situated others are one-in-a-million, is an understatement, a minimization of the ever-lasting impact these sons of their respective soils have bestowed forever upon their nations specifically and on humanity in general.

And as those several but not many individuals, Dr. Cheddi Jagan gave his blood, sweat and tears to tirelessly work in furtherance towards achieving the full realization of the best interests of all his Guyanese brethren. He viewed all Guyanese as his brothers and sisters, irrespective of race, religion, ethnic origin, culture or gender. He embodied the soul of a fighter in the truest sense of the phrase, for despite being kicked-down and manipulated for nearly thirty years; he fought on, got up and clawed his way back to his rightful and much

awaited position as the leader of our great nation.

Although some of his dreams have not come to full fruition, Dr. Jagan has forever instilled in us sentiments of humility, human dignity and decency, and most importantly; the motivation to demand and expect nothing but the best from ourselves and those who govern us. He taught us, in true Gandhi style, to peacefully fight any and all forces which intend to oppressively keep us from realizing our destinies. His death, on March 6, 1997 propelled him, just as Cuffy before him, into the status of a true Guyanese martyr who had given his life to serve his country.

Dr. Jagan was a rarity amongst us; he had no personal wants or ambitions, he had no ulterior motive or purpose, he desired no wealth, riches or fruits, he expected no accolades, medals or monuments. He gave his life in furtherance of but one goal: the betterment of Guyana.

And so, as I sit and write this tribute to Guyana’s foremost hero and champion, at a date on which would have commemorated his ninety-third birthday, March 22, 2012, I salute and thank you Dr. Jagan, on behalf of any and all loyal Guyanese. Guyana will certainly never again be blessed with the presence of another champion such as yourself, the same way India will never again see another who rivals the greatness of The Mahatma. Long Live the memory of all that Dr. Jagan has bestowed upon Guyana. Long live our leader, our champion, our hero…Long Live Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Cheddi Berret Jagan II, Esq.

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