The Watooka House in Linden is a wooden, colonial style guesthouse with scenic views of the Demerara River and lush grounds. The three-storey building is surrounded by huge palm trees and many fruit trees, to provide an exclusive feeling of getting away from it all and relaxing with nature.
Watooka House was created after the demand for aluminium brought many foreign businessmen and officials to the booming mining town in the early 1900s. In the late 1920s, a bauxite laboratory was renovated as a home for the bauxite company’s manager. By the early Forties, this existing structure gave way to the present Watooka House. The swimming pool was also completed at that time.
The colonial guesthouse is now owned by the government.
According to the Watooka House website, the Official Gazette in 1915, published transport of property from G. B. Mackenzie to Winthrop Cunningham Neilson, a piece of land spelt Watouka, but also known as Watooka. A description of the land goes back to a plan made in April 1829 by Thomas Hubbard, sworn land surveyor. In the transport, it is said that Watooka had been marked as “Ficker” on an old 1829 map.
“Watooka House”, it is also said, derives its name from the nearby Watooka creek that runs along its western boundary.
The swimming pool hosts many local activities as wellWatooka House also hosts social eventsA view of the river from Watooka House
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