War of the fleas

Satiricus was agog. His alma mater, King’s College, was overrun with fleas. His mind immediately ran to the blurb that began the classic work of guerrilla warfare, “War of the Fleas”: “The guerrilla fights the war of the flea, and his military enemy suffers the dog’s disadvantages: too much to defend; too small, ubiquitous, and agile an enemy to come to grips with.” It was now three weeks and KC (as everyone referred to his old school fondly) was still closed. What was going on???
“Sato me friend, why you look so worried?” said Cappo with concern. “When you play with puppy, fleas must bite you!”
“Cappo, that’s not funny,” said Satiricus sternly. “Something wrong. This is not about fleas. You see what my friend Baddam wrote in the Muckraker?”
“Nah! Ah wha he write?” asked Cappo’s buddy Bungi. With the coming of the rains, there was no cane-cutting and the old pals had much time on their hands.
“KC doesn’t have fleas!” Satircius said heatedly. “Fleas live on blood of their hosts. They can’t survive more than two weeks without blood. KC children now out for three weeks, with no end in sight.”
“I’ll tell you what I think,” said Suresh slowly. “I have a nephew at KC. I think the Ministry of Education has a plan to toughen up those KC kids by having them over at Richard Ishmale.”
“Hey, that could explain things!” said Hari “How KC can create our future leaders, if they don’t let the ‘cream of the crop’ see how the other 99 per cent live?”
Satiricus looked at Hari closely. He wasn’t sure that Hari wasn’t ragging him. They all made fun of his old school tie and all of that. “What you mean “toughen”? We do that with sports, my friend,” said Satiricus heatedly.
“Sports ah wan game,” scoffed Cappo. “Me think Hari right! Den KC pickney too soft. If was BurnAm, who bin a wan KC bai too, he woulda send then fuh cut cane!”
“Listen Budday!” said Satiricus with some heat. “Brain work is just as tough as hand work.”
“Really?” asked Cappo with his eyebrows raised. “Yuh must run wid a bundle ah cane pon you head from yuh house to dis shop one time and den tell me!”
“It’s not the fleas, my friends,” noted Teacher Samad slowly, as usual. “It’s not even the larvae – which can hatch up to a year from now.”
“So what is it?” asked Kuldeep, who had gone to Saints and couldn’t give a hoot about KC.
“It’s a vacation time for them,” suggested Samad. “The teachers don’t really have much to do now, you know.”
“Mout open and story jump out, Teacher Bai!” said Bungi with a smile. “Like Christmas start already ah KC!”
“It’s just like when your field superintendent gone home,” pointed out Samad. “You all throw everything into the punt! Now with no supervision the teachers will have a field day.”
“Well!!!” exclaimed Satiricus huffily, “This could never happen in my days!  What about the KC’s kids education?”
“Well, most of them will end up as bosses,” replied Samad calmly. “They’re getting a sample of the slackness that they’ll have to deal with in the rest of Guyana!”

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