Vic Puran’s daughter claims he was murdered

Almost eight months after the death of prominent criminal lawyer, Vic Puran; his daughter Mikhaila Puran has finally broken her silence, alleging that her father was murdered and his body was placed in his vehicle and pushed into a canal at Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
The woman added that based on “forensic” evidence in her possession, she can only conclude that her father was murdered.  The daughter slammed the autopsy report which suggested that Puran died as a result of asphyxiation, as she is convinced that he was actually tortured before he died.

Dead criminal lawyer: Vic Puran
Dead criminal lawyer: Vic Puran

“Those of us, who knew Vic Puran, knew that he never drove to Mahaicony with his windows up… how can a person who drowned have a mask of dried blood on his face? Wouldn’t he have bled out into the water while drowning? How can you drown and be dry at the same time?” his daughter questioned.
Another observation, which she disclosed, might be proof to substantiate her claims; was that when her father was discovered, his vehicle was in ‘park’, the headlights were turned off, the windows were up but the air conditioning was not on. These observations have thoroughly escaped police investigations. The daughter said too that she was told her father’s vehicle was sold.
Puran was found dead in a crouched position on October 16, 2012 in his Toyota Tundra at Esau and Jacob, Mahaicony, ECD and was believed to have drowned. Puran’s vehicle was spotted, partly submerged in the canal, by a farmer who was making his way to his farmlands.
However, months after, the Puran family in a letter stated that they have been waiting in hope that some measure of justice would be meted out on those who killed him.
The family claimed that as a result of fear for their safety, they were silent, but they have put measures in place, both locally and internationally, so that in the event of their sudden demise as Mr Puran, their deaths would not go unsolved.
The woman further stated that “my father prided himself in the fact that he had many friends in the legal fraternity, but I say that he had none.
“None of the ‘friends’ have offered us an ear, assistance or even their condolences. I need not drop names. Those persons know who they are.”
She said these so-called friends have not even attempted to set the record straight that Puran did not die in an accident, as was presumed.
“I am surprised that the amateur pathologist on the scene on the morning of the 16th of October, 2012, when my father’s body was discovered and uncovered, could make a declaration that ‘Given my experience, I am satisfied that it was an accident’,” Puran said.
She also made reference to a well-known lawyer who claimed that her father may have met in the accident as a result of a combination of tiredness and hurrying to reach back to his wife to celebrate his birthday, but from all reports gathered, he never reached the farm and therefore could not have been hurrying back.
“I am ashamed of our justice system for making no effort whatsoever to investigate and find those responsible,” the woman disclosed. The question remains, who stood to benefit from the death of Vic Puran and who has in fact benefitted from the death of Vic Puran?
In the same breath, she noted “I know that the Guyanese population has many intelligent people and they will be able to decipher who has benefitted from the death of Vic Puran.” She vows not to rest until justice is served and is urging anyone with information to come forward and speak up.
“Let the trumpets be sounded and the horses parade. Justice will come for Vic Puran,” she said.

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