For a few years, I have been reading the annual diatribe by attorney Christopher Ram, on the budgets which the government has been tabling. This year, I find that Ram’s comments have not changed from usual; the lack of objectivity and professionalism, political attacks and political pandering. His comments have, however — especially since he had joined a political slate of candidates — spewed more vileness and venom. Also, since the ascent of Dr Ashni Singh to the post of finance minister, Christopher Ram seems to have personally gone after him with an unusual amount of animosity and envy.
Manzoor Nadir
I decided to pen this piece because Ram cannot match up to the capacity and abilities of Dr Singh, and I feel he does not deserve to be even a “sparring partner” of the honourable minister of finance. The credentials of Dr Singh are impeccable. He has not only passed through the stage of Mr Ram, but exceeded and excelled all the way to the top. Nothing less was expected of this brilliant son of Guyana. Dr Singh has always academically topped his cohort. A few weeks ago, at a popular social spot, I ran into a gentleman (Mr Michael Joseph) from St Lucia, who mentioned to me how he started his doctoral studies with the “bright and talented Ashni Singh”.
Dr Singh has acquitted himself in all his stations, and when asked to serve at the level of the Cabinet, has, in the last five years, delivered the goods in an exemplary manner. He has produced budgets that have kept us on a growth path despite internal and external shocks to our economy, unprecedented spikes in food and oil prices in 2007, global financial meltdown and falling commodity prices in 2008 and 2009, an unrelenting opposition campaign to stop loans and assistance to Guyana, and, of course, unpredictable climatic changes.
Ram’s contentions are that Dr Ashni Singh’s numbers are unbelievable and his projections unattainable, painting a picture of our country that not only misrepresents our progress, but is dishonest at best.
I challenge Chris to come into the arena, since from his perspective this government is so inept, has so mismanaged the state, and his friends in the opposition are so noble and brilliant. The PNCR is looking for a leader; come join them, test your theories.
Unlike the excellence of Dr Singh, Chris’s claim to fame is as a critic.
We are grateful for the talented Dr Ashni Singh. Congratulations again, Ashni!!!