Venezuelan remanded on multiple charges

A 30-year-old Venezuelan man was remanded to prison when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to charges of unlawful wounding and obtaining credit by false pretence.

Mark Williams pleaded not guilty to the charges which stated that on September 8, 2016, at Itabali landing, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Devon Leur.

The prosecution stated that the Virtual Complainant (VC) sustained abrasions to his left arm and a two centimetre laceration to his shoulder. It was stated that a pair of scissors was used to inflict the injuries.

The second charge stated that on the same day, Williams obtained from Leur eight cases of beer valued G$50,000 on credit by falsely pretending that he was in a position to pay.

The prosecution further objected to bail, noting that the man was not a resident of Guyana, had no local address and if released, would not return to Guyana.

The defendant was refused bail and the matter was transferred to Kamarang Magistrate’s Court, to be called again on September 29, 2016.

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