Using ministerial powers to bully ordinary citizens

Dear Editor,
I would like to dwell on a single statement of importance in a letter from Dr David Hinds: “Minister Broomes incident is a clear case of official bullying of powerless citizens.”
Dr Hinds states, “I am very certain that had she been a private citizen, she would have handled the matter differently”. I disagree with Dr Hinds.
Dr Hinds needs to know that Ms Broomes is simply a bully. I am pretty sure that she has bullied others as a private citizen, even when she was not decorated with ministerial powers. It is only by chance that Ms Broomes was caught on tape bullying her victims that the nation had a chance to see what she is like.
We all know of private citizens who bully others. Only just a few days ago, citizens in Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara, were bullied by private citizens to the point where their personal properties, like their gas range, clothing, furniture and other valuables, were taken from their homes and thrown onto the streets. Similar to these Enmore bullies, Ms Broomes threw away “No Parking” signs and then threw her victims in jail for 16 hours. The CCTV tape rescued these innocent victims.
Ms Broomes and the Enmore bullies have got to share poor values. Bullying is a big problem for Guyana. Because of cruelty and lack of empathy, bullies can’t feel the pain of another human being.
Of course, Ms Broomes and the Enmore bullies will continue to hurt others, if they are not held accountable and if they also fail to seek out psychological help.
Bullying is an abnormal behavior, which is largely a product of ignorance. Bullies evaluate their victims as powerless based on a wide range of stereotypes about ethnicity/race, sexual orientation, physical stature, social status, religion, culture, and job status, among other things. Ms Broomes and the Enmore bullies are also in dire need of education.
And in spite of such dysfunction by a Government Minister, President Granger remains silent, and shows no indication of firing Ms Broomes.
Annie Baliram

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