US-based Guyanese urged to monitor elections on social networking sites

– “Utilise Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share your views on upcoming polls”

mediaGuyanese residing in the United States of America (USA) are strongly being urged by Civil Society to take to social media sites to monitor, and if needs be, participate in the process by sharing their views on issues relating to the upcoming May 11 elections. This call is being made at a time when Guyanese are just a few days away from voting in an election dubbed as “one of the most important in the history of the country”.

The PPP/C is touting its massive achievements over the past 23 years in Government and is asking voters for another term to continue or complete some of the major development projects aimed at transforming the country. On the other hand, the APNU+AFC coalition is making all sorts of promises, some largely viewed as unrealistic, that the party will fulfill once it wins. The coalition is also doing everything possible to ensure that issues in relation to the PNC’s tenure in Government are kept off the agenda as much as possible. They have also been utilizing social media sites to their fullest advantage.

Civil Society organisations in the country have recognised the impact social media will have in the outcome of the elections. On this basis, they are calling for more to be done to ensure that young people, including those in the Diaspora, are educated about the events, especially under both the PNC administration. They say while it is necessary to look to the future in terms of examining the plans and policies each party has for Guyana’s development, they must also be judged on their track record while they were in Government.

Observers have expressed the view that no Caribbean country has experienced the abyss into which Guyana had been plunged by the PNC. Guyana was the poorest of the poor; the pariah of the region. Officially the country was declared a Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC). The physical infrastructure was in tatters and there were hardly any opportunities being created for persons to improve their quality of life. Of note too is that every election was rigged under the Burnham-led PNC regime.

However, under successive PPP/C Governments the results have been exemplary. The economy has turned around, infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, has been rehabilitated; the security situation which was very precarious and untenable has been stabilized through the Government’s firm and decisive initiatives and health care has improved significantly among many other notable achievements.

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