Update from the Rotary Club of Jamaica Queens, NY

The Rotary Club of Jamaica Queens, New York, has embarked on a vibrant agenda for 2013. A motion was presented by Mr. Dave Kadar, owner of the Nest Restaurant, to a packed room of Rotary Members. It was unanimously agreed that the club will keep the community better informed of the work it is doing.
The members have also agreed that they will bring local community issues to the table every week for discussions and debates. Recommendations/ suggestions will then be sent to the appropriate organizations, such as the local Police Dept., the Sanitation Dept. and the Dept. of Traffic.
The members present on Wednesday Feb. 6th have voted for Mr. Rick Chetram to fill the position of Secretary for the Rotary Club of Jamaica Queens. It is expected that Mr. Chetram will bring new a concept and approach to the club. He has been working at Citibank as an assistant Vice President for the past 10 years and is also an entrepreneur and local businessman. The Rotary Club welcomes him and looks forward to a great year.

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