Unspoiled Poverty

Satiricus is still fuming: the smoke keeps coming out of his ears. He can’t get over the nerve of Jagdeo. If the Muckraker KN is to be believed (and Satiricus held that institution in only slightly – very slightly – lower esteem than all his sacred books) Jagdeo had just donated three “Barbados” worth of real estate to Wansa Mc AL. Where did Jagdeo get off? Didn’t he realise that we love our “potential”? What’s with all this running around the world to get investment to develop that potential? Read our lips Jagdeo: “WE GUYANESE LOVE OUR UNSPOILED POVERTY!” “Wha a dis MOU anyway dat de Lunch Man sign anyway?” Cappo’s brow was furrowed, indicating that he was either constipated or puzzled. Or both.

Hari gave him the benefit of the doubt. “It’s like a handshake. Wansa promise to look into whether it can develop the land to produce ethanol.” “And the Lunch Man only sign for Jagdeo.” Suresh wanted to clear things up. “You know everything bad happen to Guyana, is Jagdeo behind it.” “But na everybody bin a talk dat abee gat fuh produce ethanol?”

Cappo still had his puzzled look. “Me rememba dat Thunderbolt fella fram KFC. He talk nuff about ethanol.” “Yes. But he’s not in government.” Hari was stern. ” When you out of government, you can say anything. Nobody expects you to do anything.” “Dat’s right,” Bungi chipped in. “Jagdeo really mess up things. Look how he clear up all dem PNC debt. If he na bin do da, abee coulda get still all kinda freeness.” “But why he gat fuh gee away de land?” Cappo asked.

“Well, he didn’t give away anything. The deal still has to be finalised and the land will have to be leased and so on,” Hari explained patiently. “But you miss the whole point, Cappo.”

“Wha da?” enquired Cappo, looking around. “Boy, if brains were taxed, you’d get a rebate,” smiled Hari. “Listen chap. We greatest legacy is we potential. If you go and develop the potential, what gon lef.”

“Hey, you na gat fuh talk bruk- up to me. Yu na hear dat big U.S. professa seh bruk up just like yuh fancy English?” Cappo wasn’t giving any quarter.

“Beg pardon,” said Hari without any contrition, however.

“But explain dis fo me. Remember when Jagdeo tell Norway dat abee gon keep abee potential and deh gat fuh pay abee ?” “Yep,” replied Hari laconically.

“Na de same Muckraka bin a seh dat abee should cut down abee tree dem?” Cappo’s brow was now smooth. In fact, he was beaming triumphantly.

“Listen Cappo, you like argue too much,” Suresh butted in to rescue Hari. “You don’t understand the logic of the Muckraker KN.” “Well tell me na Bai,” Cappo challenged.

“In this business you got to be honest. How you think it look that Jagdeo get US$ 250 million not to cut down the forest when we never cut the forest to begin with?” Suresh leaned forward. “He too smart with those Europeans.”

“Like dem Europeans dat cut abee sugar price by 36 per cent an na warn abee?” And Cappo brought the gaff to a close.

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