Unprecedented intervention in women’s welfare

Dear Editor,
The “women’s wagon” is on the move, and quite rightly so. I have my own take on all of the issues regarding the universal plight of women, but my views will come later. Right now, I am happy that one of the best things (for women) is about to happen.
The great news is that “government is moving to change the law, to give persons (who have been) in common-law unions for five years, the same privileges, as a widow or widower, where their partner has died without making a will”. This is like a big ‘wow’ and ‘way to go’. “Gosh man. It is about time.” Now there is a need to absorb this. Most people see this move as favouring women, but there are quite a few men who will be happy with this. However, I will look at this from a female’s perspective.
Editor, “if she good foh the bed, she good foh the inheritance”.  I have witnessed, and firsthand too, the suffering and plight of many common-law wives. They laboured side-by-side, and for years too, and then some brother or sister, after the death of the common-law husband, just discarded the poor lady. This is so cruel. By the way, these ‘discarders’ of the common-law wives, normally did not even care for their brothers, while they were alive. So to offer legal protection to common-law partners, particularly the women, is really a timely move.
The news now is that the ‘Civil Law (Rights of Persons in Common Law Union) Bill 2012’ was tabled by Attorney General Anil Nandlall. It will be the subject of debate at a later date. I know this will not be a ‘fly-by-the-night’ happening, but it indicates the fair-mindedness of those pushing for such an edict.
So now, I await the debate and I am most eager for this issue to be expounded. How about ‘just sharing up equally’ since it was so in life?
Yours truly,
Ganesh Mohan

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