Satiricus was on a high, and he hadn’t even imbibed anything at the Back Street Bar which he’d just entered! It was the season to be jolly, and he was in a “Ho! Ho! Ho!” mood as he meandered his way to where his buddies had already stationed themselves.
“Can you believe our good luck this year?” he asked excitedly as he took his seat and simultaneously signalled the waitress for a beer.
“Wha’ good luck?” asked Bungi in a surly tone. “All me cane-cuttah fr’en dem get fyaah!”
“Is a good t’ing me bin a ‘Merica an’ketch me han’,” said Cappo. “Or me wo’lda get fyaah too.”
“You all looking at the glass half empty,” advised Satiricus. “And you miss the good things happening!”
“OK, Sato, spill it!” said Hari with a sigh. “Looks like you’re bursting to tell us this ‘good news’.”
“Didn’t you read Rum Jhaat cancelled the order for bars to be closed by 2 am?” said Satiricus, as he finished his beer and called for another. “We can drink till dayclean for the next two weeks!!”
“Sato, leh me aks yuh somet’ing,” said Cappo carefully as he looked at Satiricus. ”Yuh mean fuh tell me wid all wha’ guh-laang, all Rum Jhaat can do a gi’e abee mo time fuh drink?”
“Is the same thing I said,” said Satiricus with a smile. “You-all only looking at the glass half empty.”
“Me na drink fram glass!” said Bungi curtly. “Wha’ yuh mean?”
“Rum Jhaat know you and your sugar-estate friends are depressed at the closing of the estates,” said Satiricus. “And he knows you’all need more time to drown your sorrows. He gave you that time!!”
“Suh lemme get dis right,” said Cappo. “Rum Jhaat na do nuttin fuh dem suga workas jab, but dem must t’ank he fuh time fuh drink mo?”
“Yes!” said Satiricus. “You finally got it!”
“Suh Rum Jhaat guh gi’e de suga workah money fuh buy de rum fuh drink?” asked Bungi.
Satiricus fell silent.
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