Unity/Lancaster SC academy commences

With the aim on instilling the basics of the game from an early age, the Unity Lancaster Sports Club will commence a three-day cricket academy at its venue from 09: 00 hours today (Thursday). The academy is being promoted free of cost to about 40 youngsters between ages 12-16 in a bid to establish Under-15 and Under-19 cricket teams, which will represent the club in the future.

Club Secretary Ronald Goolghar (left) receives a quantity of cricket gear from Surenda Nauth of Nauth’s Motor Spares. Looking on are Sheik Mohamed (left) of Tiger Sports, club president Naim Chan (second left), well wishers and some participants of the academy
Club Secretary Ronald Goolghar (left) receives a quantity of cricket gear from Surenda Nauth of Nauth’s Motor Spares. Looking on are Sheik Mohamed (left) of Tiger Sports, club president Naim Chan (second left), well wishers and some participants of the academy

The participants have been drawn from the host village and from schools in the neighbouring communities, stretching from Strathavon, Cane Grove, to Golden Grove on the East Coast of Demerara.
The event will see the youngsters receiving coaching in various aspects of the game of cricket. The sessions will be spearheaded by former West Indies fast bowler Reon King, former national wicket-keeper Sheik Mohamed, and former national Under-19 players Lalchand Persaud and Hemraj Gharbarran, both of whom are from Unity.
Senior local umpire Daveteerth Anandjit will lend a hand teaching the rules of the game.
Several high profile academics in various fields of professional work will also spend time with the youngsters teaching them various life tips on health and nutrition, focusing the minds and achieving targets, time management, strategising, field positions, ethics and morality among other subjects.

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