Union roasts APNU/AFC over increase in Berbice Bridge tolls

…says bridge was a wise investment

The impending toll increases to use the Berbice River Bridge has attracted the attention of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), with the Union on Tuesday rapping the Government for its less than mature approach to resolving the matter.
On Tuesday, FITUG stressed that Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) supplies the entire country with agriculture produce and thus, higher tolls would result in higher prices for groceries.
The Union noted the seriousness of the situation, from both the economic point of view and the future of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), which has shares in the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI).

The Berbice River Bridge

“We recognise too that the BBCI has been seeking for some time now to engage the Administration on measures to avert what is now impending,” the Union observed. “Sadly, we have heard from the Bridge [Company] that its attempts, on several occasions, have simply been ignored. It seems, from all appearances, the Government is unconcerned about consequences of its stonewalling.”
“In recent days, we have seen the Administration engaging in an active media campaign, which has its political hints, in denouncing the BBCI proposed increases. On this score, we urge the coalition, which had promised to halve the tolls, to end its childish propaganda games and get serious in addressing a matter which has several serious consequences.”
The Union noted that the coalition Government was elected to lead and should therefore demonstrate genuine leadership by sitting with BBCI executives without further delay and engaging in sober discussions on measures to avoid the toll rise.
“It is time for the Government to get serious and end its petty politicking. The substantial hike will impact a large number of Guyanese whether they are required to traverse the bridge or not. Berbicians will be gravely affected. Already the region is reeling from the loss of thousands of jobs occasioned by the Administration’s short-sighted decision to close Rose Hall and Skeldon estates.”
“The toll hike, we see, will put the region’s economy into a further tailspin. It comes on the heels of the draconian increases in fees for Government services, the taxing of essential items, and the several other measures which have served to push the cost-of-living higher than the moon as it is. As we see it, no man, woman or child would be spared, and the already high cost-of-living will jump astronomically.”
The Union noted with concern that the likely hike in the cost of goods and services may very well be out of the reach for many in a region which has been hit hard by the policies of the coalition Government.
“The situation could very well force many to migrate outside of the region in order to cope with the new circumstances of life in the region. Given the region’s importance to the agricultural sector, among other things, this will do the country no good. Moreover, given the dearth of job opportunities in many towns and villages, such tolls hikes could very present a new host of problems for residents.”
“For those of us who may not be required to utilise the bridge, we should not think that we will not be unaffected. With the large quantity of agricultural produce coming from Region Six, the new toll costs will be passed on to us in higher prices for the food we purchase. For our nation’s workers, confronted by an already too high cost-of-living, such increases would only add to the nightmare of contemporary life in Guyana.”
Wise investment
FITUG also noted that the Berbice Bridge was a wise investment and brought to Guyanese people and especially Berbicians, who for some time had complained about the inefficiencies of the ferry system.
“The advent of the bridge brought us as Guyanese closer together and the now critical link opened several doors for our economy. While FITUG cannot agree with a hike to the tolls and we noted that similar sentiments came from both the Government and the parliamentary Opposition, at the same time, we cannot be deaf to the dire straits the BBCI has found itself.”
From media reports, the Union said, it is aware of the large indebtedness the company has to its investors including NIS. “This further heightens our concerns that should the status-quo remain and the Bridge in unable to reach its obligations, our workers, without a doubt, stand to be affected. Some workers could be doubly affected as their pension savings, which have been invested in the bridge, could also be lost. This for us is simply unacceptable.”
The increases were announced by BBCI Chairman, Dr Surendra Persaud, during a press conference recently. According to Persaud, they were formally informed by Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson that Government would not agree to their previous requests for an increase.

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