Understanding Navaratri or the journey towards perfection

Dear Editor,

The Hindu community is presently observing the religious occasion of Navaratri from 2011-09-28 to 2011-10-05. During this period, Hindus fast and keep and vigils, attend mandirs, and perform worship, mainly of the Supreme Goddess.

Of significance is the word “Ratri” (night). It tells us that man is enveloped in spiritual darkness and is in need of the saving light of God.

The central purpose of our existence is to realise our divine being. It is to grow into the image of the divine, to be an embodiment of perfection. Man has, therefore, as the initial step, to remove this “darkness” by getting rid of the countless impurities and baser elements clouding his vision. Then he has to acquire lofty virtues and divine qualities. Rendered thereby pure and noble, knowledge dawns upon him and he becomes a Buddha, an enlightened soul.

Navaratri, therefore, epitomises the spiritual journey of the soul – from flesh to spirit; from darkness unto light; from ignorance unto knowledge supreme.

We pray: “O Lord! Lead us from the unreal to the real; from darkness unto light; and from death unto immortality.” These are the three stages of the evolving of the physical man into a divine being, a journey in which we are all involved. Man, born a child of nature, must grow into a child of God and in the likeness of God. The freed soul, anointed with the spirit, then becomes upon earth a living image of the infinite supreme spirit. The ascent of man unto God is the purpose of man’s birth upon earth, and the Supreme helps him along the way.

The supreme Mother Goddess, or Devi, has no separate being of its own, but is an integral part of the male Godhead. Without the male Godhead, Devi has no existence; without Devi, the male Godhead has no expression.

The power of God is of three kinds, namely: The power of destruction, represented by Durga; beauty, wealth and light, represented by Lakshmi; and, knowledge, represented by Saraswati.

Navaratri is divided into sets of three days to adore and worship different aspects of the Supreme Mother, and therefore has a sublime yet thoroughly practical truth to reveal. It shows the course this spiritual practice should take.

This process demands resolute will, determined effort, and arduous struggle – attributes of the female.

Strength and infinite power are the prerequisites.

Since the Divine Mother is Herself an embodiment of Power (Shakti), it is the Divine Mother who has to be propitiated. Shakti is the omnipotent, conscious power of the Lord, or the cosmic energy by which the entire universe has come into being. The worship of the Mother, or Devi, is worship of God’s glory, of God’s greatness and supremacy.

The first three days represent the initial stage of man’s journey to God.

During this period, Goddess Durga is worshipped for the destruction of our impurities and vices, and to cure our defects. She is besought to battle with and destroy the baser qualities and lower diabolical natures within us. She is the power that protects our spiritual practise from dangers and pitfalls.

The next three days are spent in propitiating Goddess Lakshmi, another aspect of the said Mother.

Having completed the task of destroying the negative elements, the next stage is to build a spiritual personality.

While the previous effort was a ruthless, determined elimination of the lower, baser tendencies, this stage is an orderly, steady, calm and serene effort. This more pleasant side of our effort is depicted by the worship of Lakshmi. The light starts to shine within us.

Once the aspirant succeeds in routing the evil propensities and developing pure qualities, he becomes fit to receive the light of spiritual wisdom. At this stage comes the worship of Goddess Saraswati.

A blessed Navaratri to all!

Yours truly,

Pt R Balbadar

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