UNASUR deeply concerned about violence in Haiti

Member states of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) have expressed deep concern over the violence and disorder which ensued in Haiti, following the announcement of the preliminary results of the presidential and legislative elections.

In a statement issued by UNASUR Chairman, President Bharrat Jagdeo, the grouping said it fully supports the right of the Haitian people to free, fair and peaceful elections in accordance with the constitution and laws of the Republic of Haiti.  

“UNASUR joins with the international community in calling on all the political leaders and parties to pursue their rights through peaceful means, and to strive to safeguard the stability achieved in the last few years with the support of the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and the international community as a whole.” 

UNASUR’s statement comes shortly after the United States rejected a call by a leading American legislator to curtail aid to Haiti in the wake of what has been described as fraudulent elections late last month. 

Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, of Vermont, who chairs the U.S. Senate subcommittee on foreign aid, urged Washington on Friday to withhold funding to the Haitian government, as well as suspend travel visas for senior Haitian officials until they ensure a “fair and democratic outcome” to the country’s November 28 elections. “As if Haiti did not have enough problems, now, once again, those in power there are trying to subvert the will of the people,” he said.

But in a meeting with North American foreign ministers on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said cutting off aid to the earthquake-ravaged country is not the immediate panacea. She said Haitians should not be punished, especially as they simultaneously try to battle the cholera epidemic and rebuild their country from the massive January 12 earthquake. 

“I think Senator Leahy is expressing a growing frustration,” Clinton told reporters. “It is a very strong signal that we are expecting more and looking for more (from the Haitian government). “But we don’t want to punish the people of Haiti because of the flaws in their election,” she added. 

Violent protests 

Violent protests have rocked Haiti in the wake of the disputed elections. At least five people were reportedly killed in two days of rioting last week. Clinton and her Canadian counterpart, Lawrence Cannon, said they stand ready to provide technical and other support to the Haitian government, as it endeavours to resolve the election dispute.

“It is essential that Haitian political actors fulfil their responsibilities and demonstrate a firm commitment to democratic principles, including respect for the integrity of the electoral process,” Cannon said. 

 “It is critical that the recounting of ballots be addressed in a timely and transparent manner, and that calm be restored to the streets,” he added. Cannon had said ahead of the meeting, which included Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa, that Canada was willing to play an active role in Haiti’s ballot recount.


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