UG Communications Centre hails partnership with Scripps College

Dr. Paloma Mohamed (centre) with students at Ohio University in the U.S. following her presentation on "Media and Social Change".

University of Guyana (UG) Centre for Communication Studies Director Dr Paloma Mohamed has lauded the partnership with Scripps College of the U. S., contending that with “a little bit of money, you can change the world”. According to an Ohio University news bulletin on Tuesday, Dr Mohamed joined Scripps College of Communication staff and Guyana’s Ambassador to the United States Barney Karran in celebrating a recent collaborative project between the University of Guyana and the Scripps College of Communication.

During “The Guyana Experience 2008-2011”, Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication faculty and staff worked to upgrade the University of Guyana’s communication curriculum and course content.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded the project to revamp the University of Guyana’s communication school, which, according to Dr Mohamed, was on the brink of closure. Several American universities competed for the grant project but the award went to the Scripps College of Communication.

The programme also advanced the education and experience of the University of Guyana’s faculty through master’s degrees and professional workshops and worked to upgrade the education and skills of Guyanese journalists and media professionals.

Scripps College professor and coordinator of the project Dr Vibert Cambridge thanked the many Ohio University faculty members who travelled to Guyana to share their knowledge and experiences with the University of Guyana staff. According to Ambassador Karran, such projects can make lasting impacts on countries such as Guyana. “Many nations today are still behind the curve in designing strategies to employ modern means of communication as tools in advancing growth, development and prosperity,” said Karran.

Karran went on to say that “in Guyana, information, communication and technology is set to play a transformative role in the educational sector as well as in social-economic development. Ties between Guyana and the United States are very strong, and these ties have been strengthened by the role of the United States as a partner in Guyana’s development . “

Changes made to the programme with the help of the Scripps College of Communication have already made an impact on the University of Guyana’s reputation within the Caribbean. “In three years, we went to a cutting edge curriculum. Our curriculum went from being 20 years behind everybody and leap-frogging to a futuristic approach,” said Dr Mohamed.

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