U.S. says no to new Caribbean Airlines’ routes

The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has turned down an application from the Trinidad-based Caribbean Airlines (CAL) to fly passengers, cargo and mail between Barbados, Grenada, St Lucia and New York, as well as scheduled services between Barbados and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Director of the Office of International Aviation in the U.S., Paul L Gretch, handed down the decision on Friday. He also advised CAL that permission had been granted to operate services between the U.S. and Jamaica, and New York and Grenada.

In September 2010, CAL, having assumed responsibility for Air Jamaica, applied for an exemption to undertake various flights previously serviced by the Jamaican carrier. “We have decided to grant CAL’s request for a one-year term to provide scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail from points behind Jamaica, via Jamaica and intermediate points, to a point or points in the United States and beyond,” the U.S. DOT said. (Jamaica Observer)

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