U. S. professor compiling biography of Burnham

Professor Linden Lewis from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bucknell University, USA is currently compiling a biography on late President Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham. Currently, the Barbadian national, who has recently returned to Guyana, is in the process of collecting data.
A few days ago, he conducted three interviews with persons who worked closely with the late president, taking the total number of interviews conducted thus far to 31.
Additionally, he has already gathered a wide array of documents on Burnham.
In 2001, the book; Caribbean Charisma: Reflection on Leadership, Legitimacy and Politics was published.
Professor Lewis was instrumental in writing one of the chapters under the caption “Linden Forbes Burnham (1923-85): Unraveling the Paradox of Post-Colonial Charismatic Leadership in Guyana”.
The overwhelming interest shown following the publication had inspired the Bucknell University professor to do a comprehensive study on the life of Burnham.
However, it was only until 2003 that he began to gather information.
According to Professor Lewis, while there are countless documentaries and newspaper articles on the former president, there is no biography.
“One of the things about us in the Caribbean, we don’t do enough of that biographical work… I think perhaps the most biographies are probably on Eric Williams,” he said.
Professor Lewis said he is working to complete the biography on the late Guyanese president by 2015.

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