U.S. deportee allegedly clubbed to death by ‘drinking buddy’

A deportee from the United States was on Monday morning beaten to death during a drinking spree with his pal at his Industry Front, East Coast Demerara home. The dead man has been identified as 44-year-old Bhagwan Ramadhar, also called ‘Alan Bhagwandin’, of Lot 50 Industry, East Coast Demerara.

The body of Bhagwan Ramadhar being
taken away by undertakers
Murder suspect,
Mahase Dhanraj

This newspaper understands that the two men had been in the habit of consuming alcohol, and on the day in question, they were engaged in a heated argument. During the argument, the suspect, Mahase Dhanraj, also called “Crusher,” picked up a piece of wood and dealt Ramadhar one blow to the head. Although the victim fell to the ground in an unconscious state, the suspect continued to hit him to the head. From reports received, Ramadhar’s face was battered.
It is not clear what prompted the argument, but persons in the area, including the suspect’s sister, related that the two men had been ‘drinking buddies’, and would become embroiled in heated arguments from time to time; but this was the first time an argument had become so violent.
At the scene, the suspect’s sister, Sumintra Sugrim, told media operatives that the now dead man had lived alone, and her brother would frequently visit his home to consume alcohol. She explained that Monday morning was no different. Her brother went over to the dead man’s house, and the drinking spree began.
However, whilst she was attending to her plants at the back of her yard, she heard the argument between the two men, but rather than enquiring, she continued doing her chores. This, she noted, was because the men would argue whenever they were “drinking rum”.
Nevertheless, as she reached to the front of the yard, she saw her brother in a drunken state and he was trembling. Soon after, she heard her neighbours calling out to her, relating that Ramadhar was lying under the house in a pool of blood. She did not attempt to ask her brother what had transpired, but instead the police were summoned.
The incident, she added, came as a shock not only to her, but to the residents. The suspect was arrested and has confessed to the murder. The piece of wood suspected to be the murder weapon was collected by investigators to be lodged as evidence.
Meanwhile, Guyana Times International understands that the now dead man had been deported from the US a few years ago, and had lived alone at his Industry, ECD home, where he plied his trade. His drunken state had persuaded persons not to give him work. As a result, he had resorted to doing odd jobs for people in the area. The murder suspect is expected to make his first court appearance shortly.

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